I am in no way affiliated with BIGBANG, the individual members, families, management companies, or management companies' subsidiaries.
I personally own, or have owned, all of the merchandise that is shown on this site. Additionally, I have personally taken the pictures of the items shown on this website. Occasionally additional images may be used for added content to a post regarding these items. It is not the intent of mybigbangcollection.com to imply ownership of those images, but rather to give source credit where possible for any images that are used. If any such credit is missed or given in error, please contact me immediately at one of the links below so I may remedy the situation promptly.
This site is intended solely for informational purposes and is in no way intended to gain any profit either for myself or for other parties or websites credited for source material. Likewise, any sites recommended as sources to purchase merchandise are provided as a courtesy and no considerations (monetary or otherwise) have been provided to mybigbangcollection.com, its Owner, or associated parties, in exchange for listing those sources here.